Thursday, March 28, 2013

Recording Video for our Ministry

I am nervous, not because I don't like talking about our ministry, weird thing is I'm scared of success! I'm sure it effects others too. But praying recording goes well and many are reached because of it!

Still waiting to do this video LOL (6.12.13)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Welcome to the world of Gastric Bypass

On Feb 27th I went in to have my Gastric Bypass surgery, it was uneventful for the most part, and I was able to leave the hospital in a day and a half, pain was more then I had expected, seeing I just had Gallbladder surgery 3 weeks prior. First few days were rough, not eating before surgery helped me prepare for not eating afterwards, but as the time passes, I find myself not even wanting to eat, but when I do want to eat I want regular food, not blended or pureed dishes. But this process is baby steps at each level, what I think I can eat, I cannot, what I once loved to eat I don't desire, but besides the mindful eating part, I find myself excited, full of energy and feeling healthier than I have in nearly 12 years!! I feel free, but a limited free, in a sense food once made me "feel" happy, but I realize now it's not the food, its the thoughts I had around food.
I am planning to eat better, start juicing and be more active! I am looking forward to new beginnings with my family, ministry, and well life in general. Finally feel like I am breaking out of the prison of fat I was locked in for so so long!! Praise God for new beginnings!! Now I'm just waiting on my body to completely heal so I can go conquer the world!!