My kids have been so good these last few weeks while I have been sick. I am so blessed that my son will come and bring me tissue or rub my back and pray for me, those are the moments I know I will treasure most as they grow older. I love my little love bugs. And now as my energy starts to perk up again they have helped with cleaning and then thrashing the house lol. They always make me smile, but sometimes make me want to pull out my hair but how great it is just to be with them. Thank you God for giving me such sweet blessings.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Adventures being Mom
My kids have been so good these last few weeks while I have been sick. I am so blessed that my son will come and bring me tissue or rub my back and pray for me, those are the moments I know I will treasure most as they grow older. I love my little love bugs. And now as my energy starts to perk up again they have helped with cleaning and then thrashing the house lol. They always make me smile, but sometimes make me want to pull out my hair but how great it is just to be with them. Thank you God for giving me such sweet blessings.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Our story
Bobby and Shevonne

The Boys
Our Story
Our family has had it's ups and downs like most families, but we have been through just about everything you can possibly think of. Bobby and I got married young at the tender age of 19 and soon discovered we couldn't have a family on our own like we had wanted. Took a toll on our relationship and well Me personally. After a brief family adoption that well didn't work out, Bobby and I had an already strained relationship, we had went our separate ways for two weeks. I come home from Florida and Bobby tells me about this church he got saved in, and how he was playing drums that night and I should go, needless to say I wasn't thrilled but I had not seen Bobby play in front of a group of people so I said "okay". I walk into a church filled with about 7 people at the time all in prayer and in the Spirit, and I was like, "what the heck is going on here?" I had been to church before but this was way different. That night we were told to get prayer partners and mine asked me if I had been saved before, and I thought he said have you prayed like this before, and I said "No." He walks me over to the Pastor and tells him I wanted to be saved. I was like okay, sure, why not. So the Pastor (who is now good family friend of ours) laid hands on my head and prayed earnestly for me. I can't even tell you how amazing that experience was, but I saw Jesus that night and never looked back. Three months later after renewing our vows we find out that I was pregnant with Elijah. Wow now that was a miracle. And too this day not one person can tell me God is not real because I have two living breathing blessings from Him. Well that wasn't the end of our story, eighteen months after Eli and much earnest prayer we found out we were having another little blessing in our life, Mikayla. I am not sure what happened but some where after that I slipped into some weird haze, had a horrible chat-room addiction and causing my family chaos. Bobby put up with a lot. We eventually split right around Mikayla's first birthday. Although I thought it was right it killed me inside, I knew this wasn't what I wanted. I just missed my husband from his hard work, I went the wrong direction looking for attention, and everything slipped out from underneath me. I will tell you now at no moment did God give up on me. I will never forget the night God asked me, "Why are you doing this to yourself?" This was a night after I was raped. I was slowly destroying myself and it was taking it's toll. God then said "I always think your beautiful even if you never see it." I then found out my mom had cancer, and a month after that I was in a horrible accident. Luckily walking away from with fractures and eventually RSD. But after my accident I was alone without my kids (because I was too beat up to care for them) for a month and God dealt with me, showing me not everyone is who they say they are, you can count on the people who really care and call them friends, and that tragedy can turn to happiness if you let it. Soon after I asked Bobby to come back home.
That was two years ago in October and I can tell you that I have never been more happier then I am now. Though we lost my mom in Sept. 2009 and Tony in April this year we are so blessed to have each other and our friends and family. We couldn't have made it this far without them. Bobby I love you and thank you for loving me always in spite of my weaknesses. You are the greatest and our kids are blessed to have a great Daddy. Love you Eli and Kay Kay all the days of your lives, and beyond that. So this is the Cliff Notes version but this is our life, but we will keep on keepin' on and we sure learned some hard lessons in life. :)
That was two years ago in October and I can tell you that I have never been more happier then I am now. Though we lost my mom in Sept. 2009 and Tony in April this year we are so blessed to have each other and our friends and family. We couldn't have made it this far without them. Bobby I love you and thank you for loving me always in spite of my weaknesses. You are the greatest and our kids are blessed to have a great Daddy. Love you Eli and Kay Kay all the days of your lives, and beyond that. So this is the Cliff Notes version but this is our life, but we will keep on keepin' on and we sure learned some hard lessons in life. :)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Kids and Biscuit
As most of you know we have an English Bulldog we call Miss Biscuit, Biscuit or Mikayla calls her Bisquick (she doesn't know how to say Biscuit right lol). Our friend Ted gave her to us about 5 mos ago now, and she has been an awesome addition to our family. Thanks Ted :) Biscuit is so patient, playful, and protective of the kids. We love her! So here are some pics of her and the kids. Enjoy!
My Life as Mom..
I am very blessed to be able to stay home with my two amazing kids. Elijah (5) and Mikayla (3), seems they are growing so fast. Most you already know this but Eli starts Kindergarten this year. People ask me all the time what school he is going to and I am very proud to say, "I am homeschooling him." Sometimes I get kudos for staying home and teaching my children other times I get the negative. But I know this is my season in life, God has given me the opportunity to stay home and do this and I will do it the best to my ability and the things I don't know, I will turn to those that do. I have a great handful of friends who homeschool and will be part of a co-op out here. This year I am looking forward to new beginnings and new adventures. I will continue to post new pics of the kids and events that we get to do. :)
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