Sunday, November 11, 2012

Today and everyday

I am all in! And yes any of you who have gone to church have probably heard this term particularly around alter call, but this is a truth that we should grab onto, not just in our minds, but in how we live life, relate to people and especially how we live out Christian life.
Pastor James talked about how Ruth gave up everything she knew after her husband died, to trust God and had her life in his hands. Where the you go I'll go! She knew whatever it was that was ahead of her, had to be better then what was behind her.
My prayer for all of us is that we see Christ, and how He went all in. He wasn't timid when he gave His life to redeem us. He became our sacrifice and grace. He did NOT say "Maybe I'll redeem them"...
No he forgave us and didn't look back. Grab on to Jesus who is your Boaz, and give your life to GO where He goes!
Live Dangerously!! With unshakeable faith, for the Warrior Christian inside you wants to go ALL IN!!